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Milestone anniversaries for several SAM.I. member organisations

Posted on | Milestone anniversaries for several SAM.I. member organisations

International Samaritans at the anniversary celebation of LSA in Riga (Photo: LSA)

SAM.I. congratulates two member organisations on their 25th anniversary (LSA, Latvia and LSB, Lithuania) and one member organisation for their 10th anniversary (IDC, Serbia).

All organisations held annniversary celebrations with friends and volunteers of the associations but also with international guests from within and without the SAM.I. network.

At the anniversar celebrations of IDC (Photo: IDC)

“These comparably young member organisations have achieved impressive things since their founding days. They are providing numerous invaluable social services for their local populace and have also distinguished themselves in working groups and projects with their international partners from our network and beyond“ commented Ivo Bonamico, Secretary General of SAM.I. „We are proud to count them among our member organisations and wish them all the best for the future!“