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SAM.I. finalises updated social policy strategy

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On 23 April, Samaritan International officially finalised its new social policy strategy. The paper had been in development for several months with feedback opportunities for all member organisations.

The strategy sees itself in the context of the ongoing efforts for implementing the European Pillar of social rights.

It considers the challenges in social policy that affect the member organisations’ areas of activity, such as in care and social policy, but also generally stresses the need for European collaboration and European civil society. A particular point of attention for the latter is the continuous development of civil society organisations in the social sector in the EU’s neighbouring countries.  

The SAM.I. organisations have had numerous relevant activities in the past years, which the paper lists, and will continue to work on these issues, to contribute to good political framework conditions for high-quality social services for the general public. The new strategy paper creates an updated consensus among the member organisations that will guide the activities of the network in social policy for the years to come.

The strategy paper can be downloaded here.