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SAM.I. and ASB Germany welcome interns from ANPAS, Italy

Posted on | SAM.I. and ASB Germany welcome interns from ANPAS, Italy

SAM.I., ASB Germany and ANPAS Tuscany are participating in the MOB-LAB project, through which a total of 6 interns from ANPAS will get to know the work of SAM.I. and ASB Germany for one month each.

The first two interns from ANPAS and their tutors from the SAM.I. General Secretariat and ASB Germany’s Foreign Aid Department.

The first two interns arrived in Cologne on June 2 and stayed for a total of four weeks. Caterina Santoro worked in ASB’s foreign aid department while the SAM.I. general secretariat hosted Margherita Francesconi. Both followed a previously agreed upon training programme, conveyed through the specific tasks of their hosting offices. So far the project has been a very positive experience for both the interns and their hosts.

Some of the working results can be seen on the web, for example contributions to our news updates. Thanks to Margherita we now also have an updated overview on EU funding opportunities for SAM.I. members for the 2014-2020 funding period.

The MOB-LAB project is supported by the European Social Fund, granted by the ESF authority for the Tuscany region. Two more pairs of interns will arrive in Germany in September and October respectively. SAM.I. and ASB are looking forward to welcoming them and are happy to be a part of this cross-border exchange.